How’s this idea: The government starts a financial offenders’ list that includes every slumlord who has ever been convicted of code violations. We add to that all the subprime mortgage scum who almost destroyed our economy. Full Editorial
Unfortunately financial crooks are often times looked up to in American society. I’m sure folks are still saying yeah sure junk bond king Michael Milken swindled a lot of people but you gotta admire his cojones and keeping the SEC on their toes. Bernie Madoff may have been scum but the guy was a financial genius for pulling a fast one on investors for decades. And fellow inmates love the guy! They even call him the 50 billion dollar man. What petty thief in prison wouldn’t look up to the guy? Lest one find out your a sex offender……whoooo! Plague on your house, mark of the devil, you don;t deserve to live on this planet
August 31, 2016 8:40 pm
Bad idea to compound an evil with another evil. Trying to justify your position by calling out the lack of other types of registries is a weak position. Their answer is just to make other crimes registrable, which we see already. Terrible argument.
mike r
September 1, 2016 9:38 am
absolutely nomore idiots keep calling for other registries which will somehow make this registry constitutional and it just makes it that much more difficult to abolish the current registration scheme…it’s fine to compare offenses and consequences for those offenses compared to other crimes but people have to be careful calling for other registries because if the legislators see enough public support for additional registries they will probably pounce on the opportunity to try to further their political power….the old saying be careful what you ask for you just might get it…..
September 1, 2016 10:22 pm
After he sarcastically proposes the other registries, the writer says:
“Sound Democratic? Compassionate? Of course it doesn’t! This sounds like Stalin’s Soviet Union, or a lost chapter of George Orwell’s 1984.”
C’mon, he says it himself, he is not seriously advocating for new registries, he is ridiculing the one we have.
The Unforgiven
September 2, 2016 7:03 pm
The sarcasm in me sees the need for lists for everyone, just to show the insanity. But then, everyone could be on a list for something…imagine how looooong the list would be for people who speed when driving. Then I’m on that list too…damn!
Unfortunately financial crooks are often times looked up to in American society. I’m sure folks are still saying yeah sure junk bond king Michael Milken swindled a lot of people but you gotta admire his cojones and keeping the SEC on their toes. Bernie Madoff may have been scum but the guy was a financial genius for pulling a fast one on investors for decades. And fellow inmates love the guy! They even call him the 50 billion dollar man. What petty thief in prison wouldn’t look up to the guy? Lest one find out your a sex offender……whoooo! Plague on your house, mark of the devil, you don;t deserve to live on this planet
Bad idea to compound an evil with another evil. Trying to justify your position by calling out the lack of other types of registries is a weak position. Their answer is just to make other crimes registrable, which we see already. Terrible argument.
absolutely nomore idiots keep calling for other registries which will somehow make this registry constitutional and it just makes it that much more difficult to abolish the current registration scheme…it’s fine to compare offenses and consequences for those offenses compared to other crimes but people have to be careful calling for other registries because if the legislators see enough public support for additional registries they will probably pounce on the opportunity to try to further their political power….the old saying be careful what you ask for you just might get it…..
After he sarcastically proposes the other registries, the writer says:
“Sound Democratic? Compassionate? Of course it doesn’t! This sounds like Stalin’s Soviet Union, or a lost chapter of George Orwell’s 1984.”
C’mon, he says it himself, he is not seriously advocating for new registries, he is ridiculing the one we have.
The sarcasm in me sees the need for lists for everyone, just to show the insanity. But then, everyone could be on a list for something…imagine how looooong the list would be for people who speed when driving. Then I’m on that list too…damn!